Monday, November 26, 2012

Gadgets for Security

In today's fast-paced life, security is most important. Many security gadgets are available in the market, which provide personal and home security. But getting the right gadget can be little difficult. Here are some of the best security gadgets which will help improve your Internet security. Take a look.

1. Gorilla Pod Camera Grip

Gorilla pod is a great gadget that secures your camera anywhere. Unlike other tripods, you don't need to keep it on a flat surface to take a perfect shot.

2. Open RFID Wallets

The special aluminum casing of this wallet shields up to 10 cards from data stripping and RFID scanners.

3. Sprinkler Hide-A-Key

Sprinkler Hide-A-Key looks like a sprinkler. You can store the keys inside this sprinkler and push it into the ground.

4. RFID Blocking Passport Billfold

Passport Billfold is one of the best security gadgets. It shields your Passport from RFID readers. It can also hold ID cards and cash.

5. Kensington Notebook Locks

Now, don't worry while carrying your laptop in public places. This laptop lock will keep your laptop secure.

6. Book Vault

Book Vault looks like a book. It has a perfect hiding space inside it which allows you to hide nearly 80 cubic inches of stuff.

7. Mandolin Password Manager

Mandolin Password Manager makes your password more secure. It automatically generates super-strong passwords and has the ability to manage up to 50 login records.

8. Alert Me

The security doesn't monitor your home with the help of camera. It has sensors in it which detects intruders, and if they are triggered, the device will automatically send you a e-mail or text alert.

9. Bullet proof Body Armour Clipboard

Bullet proof Body Armour Clipboard holds the papers and has the ability to stop a 9mm bullet in its way.

10. Sentry safe

Sentry safe has electronic and fingerprint locks which will keep your valuable things protected. You can keep your things secured in this gadget.

11. Alien-ware

This is one of the best gaming laptops with Dravidian GT 335M graphics card and video memory of 1024MB. It has got a unique blend portability and graphical power.

12. Dell

Dell has got long battery life and nice design. It has minimal bloat-ware, 3D graphics performance, USB 3.0, Blue tooth and automatic graphics switching technology.

These are some of the best gadgets which will help you to improve your Internet security that will keep you protected.

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Securing Your Website

Securing your website should rank high for anyone who has a website presence on the Internet. There are many ways that your website can be attacked, and all are reasons to dislike the Web. Hackers and spammers are becoming more adept at getting into your website. There are measures that can be taken to safeguard your site from attacks.

It is important to update when these updates are available. Upgrades tend to fix or update security software and therefore need to be run as soon as available.

Passwords are another security problem that can be easily hack by intruders. Having a strong password that is hack resistant is goes towards securing your website. Using passwords that has alpha, numeric and special characters makes for a strong password. Having at least eight characters is good for security also.

Keep your admin email address away from the public eye. This is the address used to log in into the host server for your website. Using a different contact email address will keep your site from being scammed. Phishing email can be disguised to look like it came from your hosting company. Adding a different table prefix to your database can be used to keep hackers from your data.

Having an .htaccess file is used to further securing your website by specifying security restrictions for a particular directory. Passwords can be created and stored in this file. Use robots.txt files to give instructions to the search engine spiders as to which folders are to be indexed and which are not.

Regular backups of your website are important and should be done each day. Having a recent backup saves the owner time in case their website has been compromised. The backup includes backing up of the entire website, database, and email files.

Look for security plugins that help to maintain the functionalities of the scripts. The security plugin will check for the weaknesses and advise how to correct. The overall job of the security scanner is to alert and correct attacks from the Internet.

Read the blogs and tech forums about website security. Stay connected about the latest attacks from bugs, vulnerabilities, and security risks from the Internet. There is always a delay of getting the patches with the updated information to you. Therefore knowing this information gives you time to protect or take your site offline temporarily.

Securing your website ensures that your business can be kept running and maintaining a professional image to your customers.

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What Is The Safest Way of Using Parental Monitoring Software?

So you might have a curious teenager or you might be afraid that your child is a victim of cyber bullying or stalking. There are many valid reasons for using parental monitoring software, but you need know how to manage the risks that come with using it.

You may ask, risks, what risks? Lets say you installed parental monitoring software on your laptop to keep tabs on your children when they are using it. If you've been using the laptop for quite some time, a lot of information would have accumulated on that laptop by now. If everyone logs on with the same user account, it means that the parental monitoring software was possibly active when you were using the laptop. You used the laptop for online banking, purchases, reading e-mail, submitting personal information, etc. Should this laptop be stolen, you will have quite a lot to worry about. What if the thief manages to gain access to the information logged by the monitoring software? That could compromise a lot of things, lead to things like identity theft and eventually have a huge impact on your finances.

So what am I trying to say, that you should never use parental monitoring software? No, off course not, just use it responsibly. Let me explain how to use it in such a way that it never compromises your online security or the sensitive information stored on your computer. First of all, if your child has his/her own computer, it makes life a lot easier in terms of using parental monitoring software, but giving your child his/her own computer is not always an ideal solution and many families have a single family computer used by all the members of the family, but for different purposes. I will explain these tips from this point of view.

If you only have one computer in your home you need to create an environment where you can operate as if everyone had their own computer. How on earth do you do this? Quite easily, create a separate user account for each family member, but only the parents must have administrative privileges, the children's accounts must be limited accounts. This way you can control what is being installed on the family computer and keep your children from making unwanted changes to the settings of the computer.

Why is this important? Well, having a limited user account won't make it impossible to bypass the monitoring software, but it will make it at least harder to do so. Secondly, monitoring software can be configured by the parent to monitor only certain users, so parents can can exclude their own accounts from being monitored. This is extremely useful, because it allows the parent to use the computer for online purchases and entering stuff like passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information without the need to turn off the monitoring software in order to prevent the information from being recorded.

There are also other benefits for creating limited user accounts for your children. Because of the limited privileges of such an account, you have better odds against malware. Please note, I said better odds, it does not mean you are immune to viruses. Never assume that a limited user account is a substitute for anti-virus software, you should always have some form of malware protection on your computer, and no, Windows Defender or Microsoft Security Essentials is not enough, you should have some industry standard anti-virus application installed on your computer. Since your computer is a family computer, it falls under the definition of home use. This means you can legally use the free versions of anti-virus applications like avast! or AVG.

This brings me to the next step of making sure that you put safety first when using monitoring software. Monitoring software often clashes with anti-virus applications. But why? It uses the same techniques as key-loggers and spyware and this normally causes the anti-virus software to intervene and block it from operating. The very last thing you should do is to choose the easy way out and disable your anti-virus software. This totally compromises the security of your computer and everything stored on it. If you have a good anti-virus program, it should allow you to exclude the parental monitoring software, so that the two can work in harmony.

Now that you've read this article, you are probably thinking that it is much easier to avoid monitoring software completely. Well, if you can avoid it, good for you, but most people view it as something used by parents to spy on their kids. I am a strong supporter of openness between child and parent when it comes to monitoring software. I believe you should never use it behind your kid's back and you should tell your kids that their behaviour on the computer is being monitored. Keep in mind that monitoring software is not only there to check if your child is browsing porn sites, it also helps you to step in when your child is being stalked or bullied online or to educate your children on safe browsing habits by reviewing the sites they normally visit or terms they use on search engines. For example if you notice that your child is searching for cracks of the latest first person shooter, you can immediately step in tell your child that it is dangerous to browse software piracy sites and that you walk the risk of getting the computer infected with malware.

There is more to parental monitoring software that meets the eye and there are many useful and practical applications for them. Choosing the right monitoring software is just as important as using it correctly. A good parental monitoring application is one that will allow you to do everything that's discussed in this article, so if your current monitoring software does not allow you to do this, it is time for a change.

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Why Layers of Security Can Help Protect Your Business

As a result, security is now an essential part of businesses, especially when hacking and cyber attacks are so rife. Furthermore, as the uptake of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) rises, companies need to make sure that computers, mobiles, tablets, laptops and other pieces technology are all secure in order to protect their networks. An infected tablet brought in from home could wreak havoc on a company network if it isn't properly secured.

Next-level security

However, installing domestic, off-the-shelf anti-virus software isn't enough. Businesses need to look past tough-to-guess passwords and into the world of advanced online security in order to protect against cyber attacks. This rings especially true for small businesses who are generally the main target of hackers. Small businesses unfortunately don't have the financial backing to install a million pound security system and, as a result, many become victims of cyber attacks.

However you don't need to be the owner of a major corporation in order to acquire exceptional security software. There are affordable, advanced online security services on the market which can help protect staff blunders, such as misplacing an impact laptop - as well as network detection software and patch management systems.

For example, patch management can be important in helping businesses update all of their software to the latest version. This way, hackers can't exploit any vulnerabilities in older software which can help them access computers remotely, for example. However, it's important to make sure the manufacturer still supports the software you're using. For example, Microsoft is ending support on Windows XP in 2014, even though 46 per cent of people still use the operating system. It will become hackers' prime target when support ends, so firms need to make sure they upgrade to a newer version to avoid any potential attacks.

Staff error

As mentioned earlier, sometimes staff error cannot be helped. Leaving a tablet in a cafe or a laptop on the train is just part and parcel of business life; it could happen to anybody. In order to prevent the error from becoming a fully-fledged disaster, businesses need to make sure that any work device that is able to access confidential information or stores customer data is fully encrypted. Encryption involves the encoding of data to make it completely inaccessible to anybody without the required password or key. This way, any chancer that might happen to stumble upon a 'lost' tablet can't access any of the confidential information found on the device.

Advanced security is a integral part of online business, whether you're a major corporation or a small, local business. By neglecting security, the ramifications could be catastrophic, especially if customer data is stolen. Legal action could very well be on the cards. So it's important for business owners to make sure they protect themselves and look for good server security is one of the first steps on that process.

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How to Keep Your Online Data Safe

If you spend any amount of time online, surfing the Internet, then you are putting any information that you store on websites and even on your computer at risk of being hacked. It's important to know how to keep your online data safe and secure in a virtual world.

The first thing to keep in mind is that even though most websites seem completely safe and secure, many of them are searching for personal information with you. While a high percentage of these information searches are completely benign (used by many companies to target your preferences more effectively, allowing them to provide ads that would pertain to you), there are a few that have malicious intent.

Some websites are only seeking to steal your personal passwords or information that you store on your computer. They do this through viruses and cookies. Some websites are designed to look exactly like other sites that you may accounts with. For example, PayPal is constantly reminding its customers that they will never ask for the user's password or username. Yet you may find an email from what appears to be PayPal, informing you that your account may have been compromised. It then instructs you to click on the provided link and log in to your account.

This is an example of a phishing scam - a con designed to give someone else your personal details. If you click on that link, you'll notice the website address does not belong to, nor is it associated with, PayPal.

It's important for you to remain vigilant while you are online and not to share any personal information with any website that you personally did not go to and are not sure about its integrity. As stated above, most websites are run by honest, hardworking people, but you may not be able to trust the manner in which they protect your information. As a result, if you don't know them, if you don't know how well they will protect your personal information, then don't share any with them.

If you are searching for information or certain products, use one of the major search engines, such as Google. If the website is questionable, Google will likely provide a warning before allowing you to visit the site. This doesn't mean you shouldn't, but be aware of the risks. Also, don't respond to any emails that are spam or come from sources you do no know. Don't click on links from any of these emails, either.

Lastly, the most effective way to keep your personal information and online data safe and secure is to choose passwords that are not easy to guess. Use a series of seemingly random numbers and letters. It's better to have to struggle to remember them yourself on occasion than to give easy access to hackers who are bent on stealing everything you have worked so hard to earn.

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Why We Should Not Ignore the Importance of SSL Certificates?

Data will not be seen by others if it is secured by an SSL Certificate. Your customers won't trust your e-commerce site without SSL encryption; it protects you also. But, is an SSL required for an e-commerce site. Do you need an SSL Certificate for e-business?

If you have an e-commerce website with an online store, you absolutely need an SSL Certificate. The process on an e-commerce website is first you have to sign up with login credentials and give personal data and also, eventually, payment information (credit card or bank account information). The Website collects customer's confidential data. This must be scrambled by an SSL Certificate to assure the safety of the details and personal data, It your online payments.

People are now aware of online fraud and visitors are expecting security for their data. If your site doesn't have security, they will find other sites that secure their data with an SSL.

Security is a part of any e-commerce web site, so visitors can feel free to buy and provide their information like personal details, bank details, credit card numbers, etc. They expect all the details they give on the internet are secure. That is only possible with one of the Different Types of Certificates. An SSL Certificate is required to make any web site secure.

The Quick SSL Premium certificate enables you to turn your visitors into customers - grow your profit from the same level of traffic. GeoTrust help you to increase your average sale because customers trust your website when it is secured with SSL and displays https:// in the address bar and a padlock in the browser.

Take advantage of how the brand of the certificate provider increases trust with the customer: retailers have a chance to increase profits via brand recognition of their SSL provider. This alone motivates customer assurance and faith. The leader in SSL providers gives a value-added service in the form of site seals and trust sign to give extra credibility to the e-commerce site.

Just doing some quick online research, we can see that retailers display trust signs on their sites, so visitors are becoming more and more familiar with these logos. Seeing a logo makes the visitor more comfortable with the site services and after that become a customer.

If you are not installing an SSL Certificate, you may have the following problems in the future:

Your customer or visitor will go to a rival site; Your site visitors will not find the trust sign on your web site, making them lose confidence and trust in your brand and the services which you are selling. As your brand value goes down, ultimately your site value goes down; Visitors are less likely to give their information on your site; It may decrease your visitor conversion rates and may affect your overall profitability. Your site may have many visitors but a low conversion to buy. You have just visitors, not customers. An Explanation of CISPA for Small Businesses   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   Top 5 Reasons to Check Website Security   Why Ignoring IDS Could Lead to Substantial Damage for Businesses   

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