"Freedom of Speech" Everyone has the ability to speak their mind without limitation. Yet, this has been questioned many times in different ways. In social media, freedom of speech is a widely accepted convenience wherein conversations are often not be restricted (or monitored); this give rise to the question about security and privacy.
Social sites have the power to spread stories and information that increase awareness. Once in a while, people assign different values, multiple comments and various approaches; some are compliments and some are aimed to spark controversy. In instances like these, online moderation is a valuable service.
Moderation can start from the very point when users sign-up. The sign up process requires users to provide information before granting them the ability to comment on your website (example: name, email address, but not phone numbers or other type of codes). This is done to ensure they are real people using real identities.
Moderation of comments is a tedious task but it is necessary.
1. To avoid offending others. Racist, sexist must be strictly controlled to keep your site pleasant. 2. To delete or remove ridiculous off-topic discussions. Messages that are not related to the subject. 3. To encourage proper online activities. Each should be sensitive enough to consider the feelings of others. To enforce this, moderation pushes for proper decorum online. 4. To avoid unlawful and distracting advertisements. Conversations that promote or publicize their products and services in direct violation of set rules. 5. To avoid personal attacks. Some users post negative comments and use profanity as a form of bullying or defamation. Moderation aims to eliminate these activities. 6. To avoid fraudulent generalizations. Some users have the knack for using stereotypes and profiling by using words like "all of them" or "a lot of them" these result in unnecessary debates and arguments. Moderation identifies users who cause this and take action to remove these comments or ban the user(s).
Comment moderation is important in maintaining the reputation and dignity of a website. It guarantees that the user experience does not decrease, that members keep signing up and that all rules and regulations are followed without exceptions. Moderation is indispensable in the goals for growth of a business website; and though it is a hard task that might seem unending, it is still a task that needs to be done nonetheless.
Rules can be posted to restrain comments and guide users, but it is unavoidable in any website that has numerous users to not have violators. These violators may either be committing offenses unintentionally or intentionally. Having a moderation service will make violations identifiable, preventable and virtually non-existent. Online moderation gives business and website owners the power and ability to correct mistakes, approve or reject posts and eliminate sources of conflict.
Protect your website from abusive users. Guard against spamming, trolling and flooding.
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